Halla has 19 years of experience as a midwife, both in the United States and for the last 13 years at Landspítali Hospital. Halla has experience in providing care for women in antenatal care, during labor and birth as well as during the postpartum period.  

In her work at Landspítali, Halla was involved in various innovative projects. She counseled new parents through the “Lend me an ear” project, which is a free service for parents with traumatic birth experiences. Halla has also taught and supervised teaching in the PROMPT team, which provides emergency training for doctors, midwives and nurses in the maternity ward.

Halla is a part-time lecturer in the midwifery program at the University of Iceland and has taught childbirth education courses for the past 5 years.

Halla is a yoga teacher and has taught yoga in alongside working as a midwife for the past year. She has attended various yoga teacher training courses, including Baptiste Power yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and pregnancy yoga. Halla has taken an instructor course in the “Birth without fear” method. Halla’s main goal is to empower women and help them discover the tools they need so that they can enter the birth confidently with faith and trust on their own body.

Halla will develop and teach yoga classes for expectant and new parents at the Reykjavík Birth Center.

"When I was 17, I got a summer job at the labor ward in Landspitali. There I worked as an assistant midwife, assisting with births, weighing placentas and children, and being with the midwives in all the tasks they undertook during the shift. I worked there for three summers, after which I felt I could assist women deliver their baby! That's where the spark ignited and I knew I wanted to be a midwife."

- Halla Björg